TSSPDCL JAO Results 2018 Declared – Telangana Junior Accounts Officer Merit List, Cutoff Marks

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Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) has organized the Junior Accounts Officer examination for all the applicants on 25th March. Many of the aspirants competing to get JAO posts in Telangana state have applied for the announced posts. And all the applied candidates have appeared for the TSSPDCL JAO examination with good competitive spirit. The organization has successfully organized this examination in many places across the state. Soon after conducting the examination, the organization has released the answer keys for JAO examination. Candidates have compared their answers with the answer sheet and estimated the approximate score they are likely to get in the examination. All the hopefuls are eagerly waiting to check the results. The authority will soon announce the results on its official website tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in. Candidates keep checking the official website to check the result downloading link. Candidates can check more information from the following article.

TSSPDCL JAO Results 2018 – Telangana Junior Accounts Officer Merit List, Cutoff Marks


Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) is a wing of Telangana power supply. The organization works for the enhancement of Power related operations in the state. It annually issues various recruitment notifications for the aspirants seeking state government jobs. This year the TSSPDCL has released the notification for 114 Junior Accounts Officer posts. The TSSPDCL selects the candidates on the basis of their merit in written test and interview rounds. Candidates will be appointed on the basis of merit only. Appointed candidates will get a good pay scale of Rs 34,630 to Rs 56,760. Many of the aspirants seeking Telangana state government jobs have applied for the announced posts. The TSSPDCL has organized the written test on 25th March across the state.

TSSPDCL JAO Result 2018, Selected Candidates List Information

Name of the Organization Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL)
Name of the Post Junior Accounts Officer (JAO)
Number of Posts  114
Date of Examination25th March 2018
Category Result
Release of Hall Ticket Released

TSSPDCL Jr. Accounts Officer Result, Cutoff marks, Merit List, Selected Candidates list 2018

The TS southern Power is going to announce the result on its official portal, tssouthernpower.com soon. Along with the result, the TSSPDCL is going to announce the cutoff marks for the conducted examination. Candidates those have appeared for the TSSPDCL JAO examination will have to score the required cutoff marks to clear the examination. Candidates who have cleared the test with required cutoff marks will be listed in TSSPDCL JAO merit list. Candidates can expect the TSSPDCL result Released on april 27th. Stay checking this page on regular basis. Here we will update the TSSPDCL JAO result date soon after the board announces.

JAO Results – Written Examination held on 25-03-2018Qualified (Available)

JAO Results – Written Examination held on 25-03-2018UnQualified (Available)

Steps to Download TSSPDCL Junior Account Officer Result 2018

  • tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in is the official website of TSSPDCL.
  • TSSPDCL JAO Result 2018 Link appears on the homepage. Click on the link.
  • Provide all the required details such as register number, password etc.
  • Check the result and check whether you qualified the examination or not.
  • Take a print out for future reference.


  1. Hi Sir/ Madam,
    my friend has qualified this exam, but he didn't get any date for certificate verification.
    For 114 posts, 114 candidates were called for certificates verification on 16th & 17th of this month.
    Is that the final list?
    Then what about remaining candidates?
    Will they get call for Certificate verification?
    Can anyone plz reply me…

  2. Still how many days we should wait respond something..wat about remaining candidates..rply some one otherwise give a contact no

    • I think it is final no call will get
      I inquiry in TSSPDCL mint compound they said marit students of 114 is final selected remaining qualified will be ignored.


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