TSPSC VRO Results 2018, Final Selection List (Released) – Telangana VRO Cutoff Marks, Merit List @ tspsc.gov.in

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TS VRO Results & Merit List 2018: Telangana Village Revenue Officer (VRO) Results and Merit List 2018 are declared at tspsc.gov.in. Candidates can check their rank, merit list from links given below.

Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has conducted the Village Revenue Officer (VRO) written test on 16th September 2018. Many of the hopefuls seeking to get Telangana State Government jobs have competed for the Telangana VRO examination. The Telangana PSC has organized the VRO examination in many examination centers across the state. This year the competition is high for the TSPSC VRO posts. The competitors have already checked with the answer keys after the examination completed. those who Candidates checked with the answer keys are waiting for the TSPSC VRO Results 2018. Candidates can shortly download Telangana VRO exam results, cutoff marks and merit list from the official website, tspsc.gov.in. Candidates who competed the VRO examination can keep checking the official website on regular basis to find the results release date and selected candidates list.

Telangana VRO Results 2018 and Final Selection List are Declared.

TSPSC VRO Results 2018, Final Selection List (Released) – Telangana VRO Cutoff Marks, Merit List @ tspsc.gov.in

tspsc vro results 2018

Telangana State Public Service Commission is the state level government organization that regulates various operations in the state. The organization issues various recruitment notifications depending on the requirement. Candidates aiming to get state government jobs can stay checking the official website, tspsc.gov.in. The Telangana PSC has recently come up with 700 Village Revenue Officer (VRO) posts. Aspirants seeking to get state government jobs in the state of Telangana have applied for VRO posts from 8th June to 2nd July. The TSPSC is going to shortlist the suitable candidates based on merit in various rounds such as preliminary examination, mains examination, and interview rounds. The TSPSC has conducted the VRO preliminary examination on 16th September in many examination centers across the state. A large number of candidates have competed for TSPSC VRO examination this year. Candidates can check the details about TSPSC VRO results from the following.

TSPSC VRO Results, Score Card 2018 Download – Important Details

Recruitment Conducting BoardTelangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC)
Name of the PostVillage Revenue Officer (VRO)
Total Vacancies700
TSPSC VRO Online Application starting date8th June 2018
Last Date to submit TS VRO Online Application2nd July 2018
Selection ModeWritten Test
Download TSPSC VRO Hall Ticket 2018 from26th August 2018
TSPSC VRO Exam Date 201816th September 2018
Mode of ExamOnline/ OMR Based
TSPSC Official Sitetspsc.gov.in
Work LocationTelangana
CategoryTSPSC VRO results 2018
Results Release Date6th December 2018 – Released

TSPSC VRO Results, Cutoff Marks, Merit List 2018

The Telangana PSC is going to release the Village Revenue Officer results within 3 to 4 weeks after the examination. The Organization will also announce the cutoff marks caste wise and merit list along with results. TSPSC VRO cutoff marks will be released category-wise (general, BC, SC, ST) and also overall cutoff marks/qualifying marks will be announced by the organization. Candidates scoring the minimum cutoff marks/qualifying marks are said to be cleared the prelims examination and they are eligible to take part in mains examination. The TSPSC will announce the VRO Merit list of shortlisted candidates on its official portal.

TSPSC has conducted written examination for recruitment to the post of Village Revenue Officer in Revenue Department notified vide Commission’s Notfn No.13/2018 on 16/09/2018 FN & AN. The Merit List of this notification is prepared and is made available in the Commission’s Website, the details of which are as follows:

Notification No: 13/2018

Post Name: Village Revenue Officer in Revenue Department

No. of candidates admitted in Merit List: 738885

TSPSC VRO Final Selection List 2019District Wise – Released on 1st March

TSPSC VRO Exam Results 2018 – Available Now

TSPSC VRO Merit List 2018Available Now










How to download TSPSC Village Revenue Officer Results 2018?

  • Take a look at TSPSC official website, tspsc.gov.in
  • On the homepage, Click on ‘Telangana VRO Results 2018’.
  • Fill the empty fields with requisite information.
  • Tap the submit button.
  • The admit card will appear on the screen.
  • Download/ Take a printout for further reference.


  1. Hi sir
    I miss my hall ticket and application form and could you please suggest to me how to download vro results …..


  2. Hello sir I am Rama . Does they complete giving vro postings .sorry I'm late but I don't know any information.

  3. Hi sir
    I miss my hall ticket and application form and could you please suggest to me how to download vro results …..

  4. Vro results list website aena paytandi sir maku marks anni vachinayo marie maku alathylsthadhi

  5. My hall ticket no.1318003439 my rank is 459026 my marks is 45.548 my caste bc-d. Then what is my status pls reply ?

  6. Sir my name is ragna
    My hall ticket nor 1315046390
    Marks 44.478
    24days papani pattukini vro exam rasa sir but provisional verification ki select kale
    Y sir

  7. 1339003663 is my hall ticket number im unable to get my result
    im getting details not found
    so, please send me the results


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