TS Inter Supply Hall Tickets 2019 Download (Released) For 1st Year & 2nd Year @ bie.telangana.gov.in

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TS Inter Supplementary Hall Tickets 2019 for 1st year & 2nd year : Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) has scheduled the Intermediate 1st and 2nd Year Supplementary/Betterment/Improvement examinations from 7th June to 14th June 2019. All the students applied for Telangana Inter supply exams 2019 can get ready with the hall tickets as the exam dates are nearing.

TS Inter Supplementary Hall Tickets 2019 Manabadi For 1st, 2nd Year @ bie.telangana.gov.in

Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is the state level education board that monitors the secondary education in the state. The board organizes the examinations in February/March months and announces the result in the month of May. The board organizes the examinations in many examination centers across the state. The academic exams will be conducted for all TSBIE affiliated colleges in Telangana. Also, the board conducts the supplementary/betterment examinations for the students who have absent, fail, or students seeking betterment in the examinations.

TS Inter 1st, 2nd Year Supply/Betterment Time Tables 2019

ts inter 1st, 2nd year hall tickets 2018

TS Inter Supply Hall tickets 2019 (For 1st Year and 2nd Year) – Important Details:

Name of the BoardTelangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE)
Official Websitetsbie.cgg.gov.in, bie.telangana.gov.in
Name of the ExamTS Inter Supply Exams 2019
Examination Dates7th June to 14th June 2019
CategoryHall Tickets
Hall Ticket Release Date 06th June 2019 (Released)

TSBIE Inter Supplementary Hall Tickets/Admit Card 2019

The TSBIE is going to release the Telangana Inter supplementary/Improvement hall tickets 2019 for 1st year and 2nd year from 1st week of June onwards. Visit TSBIE portal, tsbie.cgg.gov.in to download TS Inter supply hall tickets 2019. Hall ticket is the must to carry a document to attend the examinations. Students have to download, print, and preserve the hall tickets to carry to the exam hall. Do not forget to carry the hall ticket for each examination. In case any of the students forget/miss the hall ticket, he/she will not be allowed to attempt the examination. Hence all the students must be conscious and carry the admit cards without fail. TS Inter betterment/improvement hall ticket downloading process, availability dates, guidelines for the students, and other key information is given in this article for the understanding of students.

Download TS Inter 1st, 2nd Year Betterment/Supplementary Hall tickets 2019

Students who have applied for TS Inter advanced supplementary/betterment/Improvement examinations for Junior Inter and Senior Inter classes (for all streams) can download the hall tickets which are presently available on TSBIE official website, tsbie.cgg.gov.in. Students can check the TS Supplementary exam date sheet from the same portal. As per the time table, the examinations will be conducted from 7th June to 14th June 2019. Students can check the exam dates clearly before going to the examinations. The supplementary exams for TS Inter 1st year and 2nd year (all streams science, maths, and arts) will be conducted during the announced dates. Before attending the TS Inter supply examinations, students can download the admit cards by visiting the TSBIE portal.

Students can check the details of the examination venue, and candidate’s information printed on admit cards. The TS Inter betterment hall ticket 2019 will contain the information as below.

  • Name of the candidate.
  • Hall ticket number
  • Stream [science/maths/arts]
  • Register number
  • Father’s name
  • Candidate signature, photograph
  • Date of birth of the candidate.
  • Examination center
  • Date and time of the examination.
  • And other details.

Candidates can check all the details once after downloading the admit card. Candidates can complain the authorities for any corrections in name, date of birth or any other columns. The board will rectify the field and re-issue the hall tickets.

TS Inter 1st Year Supplementary/Betterment/Improvement Hall Tickets 2019Available Now

TS Inter 2nd Year Supplementary Hall Tickets 2019Available Now


1. Candidates should verify the entries printed in the Hall Ticket carefully. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the principal of their college for rectification.

2. Candidates should read carefully the instructions printed on the answer book. The Regd. No. noted in the hall-ticket should tally with the Regd. No. printed on the OMR barcoded sheet supplied. It is the responsibility of the candidate to collect the correct OMR sheet from the Invigilator. Pinning of Wrong barcoded sheet will lead to wrong declaration of results.

3. Candidates should occupy the seats allotted to them in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination. After that no student will be allowed to enter into the examination hall.

4. Candidates should carry their Hall Ticket to the examination hall for inspection by the Chief/ Asst. Superintendents / Departmental Officers of the examination centre or any officer authorised for this purpose.

5. Candidates should receive the correct question paper from the invigilator concerned.

6. Candidates should not write their names / Regd. Nos. in any part of the answer book.

7. Questions of very short answer type should be answered at one place in the same order given in the question paper.

8. Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall.

9. Candidates are liable to be booked under Malpractices Act, if they indulge in :

     a. Bringing any kind of written / printed material / books in to the examination hall.
b. Noting down the answers on the question papers / hall tickets.
c. Copying from others.
d. Possession of cell phone and other electronic gadgets.

They are also punishable under AP Public Examinations Act No. 25 of 1997.

10. Candidates writing the examination at a centre other than the allotted one are liable for cancellation of their perfomance.

Steps to download TS Inter Supply Hall tickets 2019 Manabadi

  • Visit the TSBIE official website, tsbie.cgg.gov.in
  • On the homepage, search for TS Inter Betterment/Supplementary Hall ticket 2019 download link.
  • Click on the link and enter the required details such as register id, password, etc.
  • Click on the ‘Download’ button.
  • The hall ticket will be downloaded.
  • Check all the information from it and take a printout of it to carry to the examination.


  1. Sir nenu 2018 lo inter pass ayanu marks thakuvaga vachayi nenu malli improvement inter exam rayocha? Chances undha? please help me

  2. Sir my name Ravi iam inter pass 2018 just 374
    Improvement exam write?
    Any chances?
    Please answer me please


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