Maharashtra SET Results 2021, Selection List & Score Card Download: Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune organized the State Eligibility Test (SET) on 27th December 2020. The MH SET examination conducted in many districts of the state. Thousands of aspirants seeking to become an assistant professor in the state of Maharashtra have appeared for the examination at their allotted centers.
After appearing for the examination, candidates have checked Maharashtra SET Answer Key from the portal, Savitribai Phule Pune University released the answer keys within a week after completion of the examination. Candidates who have competed for the examination and checked the answer keys can wait for the result. Savitribai Phule Pune University will soon announce the result date on its official website. Soon, the Maharashtra SET Result 2021, cutoff marks, and merit list will be announced. The result is expected to release in the month of March. Hence the competitors can stay checking the Savitribai Phule Pune University official website for more updates.
Also Check : Maharashtra SET Answer key 2021
Maharashtra SET Result 2021 – MH SET Cutoff Marks & Score Card at
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune is also known as Pune University. The university conducts the State Eligibility Test (SET) Examination every year for the aspirants interested to get Assistant Professor Posts. This year a large number of candidates have applied for MH SET examination. The written test round has been conducted for Paper I and Paper II for various subjects. Also, the test has been conducted in a large number of examination centers in the state of Maharashtra. Candidates qualifying the MH SET examination will get the assistant professor posts in various Government and private colleges of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra SET Result 2021, Score Card Download – Important Details:
Name of the conducting authority | Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune |
Official Website | |
Name of the examination | State Eligibility Test (MH SET) 2020 |
Date of examination | 27th December 2020 (Paper 1 in the morning shift, Paper 2 in afternoon shift) |
MH SET Result 2021 release date | Released on 7th April |
Download Maharashtra SET Result 2021 Name Wise Marks at
Maharashtra SET Result is expected to release in the month of March [tentatively]. The result usually takes 3 to 4 weeks after the examination is completed. Hence the competitors of MH SET examination must wait until the result date is announced by Savitribai Phule Pune University. Once the result date announced, aspirants can download MAHA SET Result 2021 from the official website, Score and rank of the competitors will also be announced along with the result.
Download MH SET Cutoff marks, merit list 2021
Candidates appeared for the Maharashtra SET Examination have to score the specified qualifying marks to clear the examination. The Maharashtra SET Cutoff marks/qualifying marks 2021 category-wise are as follows.
Category | Marks Percentage (paper 1 & 2) |
General Category/Open | 40% Aggregate Marks In All The Two Papers Taken Together |
*SC/ST/PH/VH (Disability 40% Or More)/Transgender/Orphan * OBC/SBC/DT(A )(VJ)/NT(B)/NT(C)/NT(D)/SEBC (Non Creamy Layer Category Only)/ | 35% Aggregate Marks In All The Two Papers Taken Together |
Savitribai Phule Pune University will announce MH SET Merit list 2021 with the candidate’s names of qualified. The merit list is also going to be announced along with the results. Hence the candidates competed for the MH SET can keep checking the official portal of Savitribai Phule Pune University to check time to time updates.
Maharashtra SET Result 2020-2021 – Available Now
MH CET Cutoff marks, Score Card & merit list – Available Now
Steps to download Maharashtra SET Result 2021
- Visit the official website of Savitribai Phule Pune University,
- On the homepage, search for MH SET Results 2021 link
- Click on the link and enter the required credentials in the specified columns.
- Now, click on the download button.
- MH SET Result, score, rank, cutoff marks, and merit list will get downloaded on the screen.
- Check the result and take a printout of it.
Yes, Released on 7th April
Available in official website
WE will be update direct link of official website once after result announcement. stay tuned to check daily updates.
My score is 160 lifescience..general category..any chance to clear??
Sir me Juneमध्ये झाले ली exam qualifiedझाले आहे पन माझ्याformमध्येobc cast लिहिले आहे पन मी nt castची आहे मी national OBC certificateपाठवले आहे पन अजून ही certificate मिळाले नाही . please reply sir
i have 170 in physical education is there any chance to clear?im from open categary
I think 150 + should be score.
I have 170 SC category.
But still in doubt whether it clear or not.
Pepar 1+2=52% any chance qulifiay SC category political science
I got 122 in english . I am from sc category is there chance to qualify ?
minimum 140 to 160 make a target.
I got 116 marks in physics set exam. Is there any chances to clear the exam?
minimum 140 to 160 make a target.
Students waiting for a results please declare fast
When come mahaset result
How many marks need for sc students
More, education makars St score mh set . results for declare
I am from SEBC category bt at a time of filling exam form I choosed general category..i m not aware abt what should i do??
You can re-attempt in the exam.
SEBC category ka option tha kya??
I got 172/300 in Mathematics. SEBC Category. is there any chance.
I have got 142 marks in library Science I am in SEBC category Is there any chance to qualify the exam?
Read more at:
I have 146 marks in commerce sebc category any chance clear Set exam?
I have got 170 marks in History
I am in SC category
Is there any chance to qualify the exam?
61% in commerce
From general category
Is there any chance to clear???
Sir me Juneमध्ये झाले ली exam qualifiedझाले आहे पन माझ्याformमध्येobc cast लिहिले आहे पन मी nt castची आहे मी national OBC certificateपाठवले आहे पन अजून ही certificate मिळाले नाही . please reply sir