Krishna University Degree Syllabus For 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Sem

Krishna University (KU) Degree Syllabus For BA, B.Com, B.Sc, BBA, BCA Courses Semester Wise uploded below. Students Can Download their respective subject/ 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Semester syllabus from links given below.
UG Syllabus with effect from 2019-20 (BOS Approved)
B.Sc Computer Maintenance VI Semester
UG Revised CBCS Syllabus with effect from 2017-18 (BOS Approved)
Revised CBCS Framework BA & BCom
Revised Syllabi of Foundation Courses
UG General English & CSS, Syllabus and Model Question Papers
B.A Political Science CBCS Revised
B.A Political Science III Year Model Papers
B.A Public Administration CBCS Revised
B.A Special Telugu Syllabus CBCS
B.Sc Computer Science, IT Revised CBCS
B.Sc Computer Maintenance Syllabus V Semester
B.Sc Computer Maintenance VI Semester
B.Sc Microbiology Revised 2018-19
Hindi (1st and 3rd Sem + Model Papers)
UG Revised Degree Syllabus May 2016
Sanskrit I, II, III Semester Syllabus
Hindi I, II, III Semester Syllabus
Urdu I, II, III Semester Syllabus
B.A. Tourism and Travel Management
Implementation of CBCS in Undergraduate Colleges in Andhra Pradesh Guidelines
As the universities are aware, a review of the syllabiimplemented from 2015-16 under CBCS was taken up by the APSCHE based on the feedback received and as per the UGC guidelines. The review was made for a few select subjects that are common in colleges, i.e., Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sci/IT, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology (BSc), Economics, History, Political Science, Public Administration (BA) and English and Telugu (Language subjects). The syllabi of B.Com., BBA and BCA, and Foundation Courses were also reviewed. The universities were requested to do a similar exercise in respect of other subjects. In fact, no significant changes were made in the syllabi of the first two years (first four semesters) in most of the subjects.
The review was intended to rectify mistakes and to reduce the excess load,if any, in case of core papers. Further, Syllabi for Electives in various subjects were to be prepared. Another task was preparation of syllabi for Degree HonoursProgrammes. The APSCHE, therefore, constituted subject review committees and got the tasks completed in April, 2016. The revised (modified) syllabi were communicated to universities and requested them to keep the syllabi on their websites inviting suggestions from the colleges.
The final version of the revised (modified) syllabi for all the three years are being sent to all the universities to be implemented from 2016-17 along with these guidelines.
The following guidelines may be followed in the implementation of CBCS framework and syllabi from the academic year 2016-17. The implementation year, however, remains as 2015-16.
1. The slightly revised framework of CBCS is being sent to all universities and the same is to be implemented from 2016-17. Foundations courses were a little reshuffled based on feedback. Two Skill Development Courses in V and VI Semesters (to be designed by the respective universities) were dispensed with. Now there are only 10 Foundation Courses.
2. The syllabi of the common subjects in BA and BSc were reviewed for rectifications and the reviewed final syllabi for all the three years are being sent to all the universities,along with these guidelines. The common subjects are, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sci/IT, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology (BSc), Economics, History, Political Science, Public Administration, Special English, Special Telugu (BA),and B.Com, BBA and BCA. These reviewed syllabi are to be implemented by the universities from 2016-17.The final syllabi of General English and General Telugu (Language subjects) were already communicated (there is no change in General Telugu of 2015-16).
3. Similarly, reviewed and rectified syllabi of Foundation Courses are also being sent to the universities for implementation from 2016-17.
4. Regarding the Electives (in the VI Semester), the following guidelines are to be followed.
a. Papers VII and VIII will be Electives for any domain subject and both the papers will be offered in the same VI Semester of the final year (except in B.Com and BBA where the old pattern (VI and VIII papers are Electives) was retained).
b. At Paper -VII, a student will pursue three Electives respectively belonging to the three domain subjects. For example, an MPC student will study one each Elective from Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as individual Elective paper VII. He/she will choose from the multiple individual Electives offered for each subject.
c. Whereas, as Paper -VIII, the student will study all the three papers as a cluster from the same subject (one of the three subjects). These three papers will cover a wide stream and will give a wider learning experience to the students. For example, as Paper -VIII, an MPC student will pursue all the three papers belonging to Physics (VIII-A-1,2&3 or VIII-B-1,2&3 or….) from out of alternate Clusters of Electives of Physics and will not study Mathematics and Chemistry. Each Cluster will have three Electives.
d. The universities have to accommodate the above facility to all students in all colleges.
e. The list of Electives and cluster Electives for each subject, along with their syllabi, for Papers VII & VIII will be displayed in the websites of all universities and that of APSCHE.
f. The colleges may choose the Electives for Papers VII and Clusters for paper VIII depending on the local needs in terms of students’ local employability and those chosen Electives can be offered in the college.
g. A college may offer one or more Electives for each subject depending the availability of facilities, teachers and local expertise/opportunities. The selection of Electives may be at the college level and even at the student level if the colleges can afford suitable staff and facilities. The universities may be obliged to consider the choice of the college/students.
h. Further, a college may identify its own novel and useful Electives,prepare syllabi/curricula, in consultation with the affiliating university, and offer the same to its students after the approval of the affiliating university concerned.
i. The Electives of VI Semester (in case of V & VI in B.Com) may be treated as ‘specialisation’ and the title of the ‘stream’ may be mentioned in the provisional pass certificate of BA/BCom/BSc students.
j. In respect of B.Com. with papers of ‘Computer Applications’ as Electives in V&VI Semesters in the V and VI Semesters, the respective universities may permit the colleges to collect additional fee for meeting the additional expenses.
5. In respect of all the other subjects (other than the select common subjects mentioned above for which APSCHE has reviewed the syllabi), the universities may themselves prepare the syllabi in the CBCS Framework given including Electives and Cluster Electives.
6. All the universities and colleges shall follow the spirit and advantages of CBCS pattern and utilize it to a maximum extent for the benefit of the student and society. The separation of syllabus into Core and Electives and the facility of ‘choice’ to the student under CBCS are to be effectively utilized, especially in offering useful and skill/job-orientedElectives in multiple numbers, including the utilizing the local resources and opportunities.
7. The Universities are requested to limit their syllabi of PG Entrance Tests to the Six Core papers of the respective subject. The Electives are intended to enhance the job/work oriented experience, knowledge and skills in the local, regional or global contexts.
8. The effective implementation of the spirit of CBCS will enhance the much desirable competencies of degree students.
9. The full cooperation of universities is sought in all the above matters.
10. The Universities are requested to remove the syllabi of all the subjects from the University records as well as University website sent by APSCHE prior to 30.5.2016 to avoid confusion. Further, the Universities shall place the new syllabi sent herewith on their website.
5th sem syllabus for
5th sem syllabus for in krishna university