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JNTUK B.Tech R23 Academic Regulations PDF


Academic Regulations (R23) for B. Tech (Regular-Full time)

(Effective for the students admitted into I year from the Academic Year 2023-24 onwards)

1. Award of the Degree

(a) Award of the B.Tech. Degree / B.Tech. Degree with a Minor if he/she fulfils the following:

(i) Pursues a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years. However, for the students availing Gap year facility this period shall be extended by two years at the most and these two years would in addition to the maximum period permitted for graduation (Eight years).

(ii) Registers for 160 credits and secures all 160 credits.

(b) Award of B.Tech. degree with Honors if he/she fulfils the following:

(i) Student secures additional 15 credits fulfilling all the requisites of a B.Tech. program i.e., 160 credits.

(ii) Registering for Honors is optional.

(iii) Honors is to be completed simultaneously with B.Tech. programme.

2. Students, who fail to fulfil all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within eight academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech. course and their admission stands cancelled. This clause shall be read along with clause 1 a) i).

3. Admissions Admission to the B. Tech Program shall be made subject to the eligibility, qualifications and specialization prescribed by the A.P. State Government/University from time to time. Admissions shall be made either based on the merit rank obtained by the student in the common entrance examination conducted by the A.P. Government/University or any other order of merit approved by the A.P. Government/University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the Government/University from time to time.

4. Program related terms

Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instruction required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (Lecture/Tutorial) or two hours of practical work/field work per week.

Credit Definition:

1 Hr. Lecture (L) per week1 credit
1 Hr. Tutorial (T) per week1 credit
1 Hr. Practical (P) per week0.5 credit
2 Hrs. Practical (Lab) per week1 credit

a) Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute one academic year.

b) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides a choice for students to select from the prescribed courses.

5. Semester/Credits:

i. A semester comprises 90 working days and an academic year is divided into two semesters.

ii. The summer term is for eight weeks during summer vacation. Internship/ apprenticeship / work-based vocational education and training can be carried out during the summer term, especially by students who wish to exit after two semesters or four semesters of study.

iii. Regular courses may also be completed well in advance through MOOCs satisfying prerequisites.

6. Structure of the Undergraduate Programme

All courses offered for the undergraduate program (B. Tech.) are broadly classified as follows:

  S.No.  CategoryBreakup of Credits (Total 160)Percentage of total creditsAICTE Recommendation (%)
  1.Humanities and Social Science including Management (HM)138 %8 – 9%
2.Basic Sciences (BS)2013 %12 – 16%
3.Engineering Sciences (ES)23.514%10 – 18%
4.Professional Core (PC)54.534 %30 – 36%
5.Electives – Professional (PE) & Open (OE); Domain Specific Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)3321 %19 – 23%
6.Internships & Project work (PR)1610 %8 – 11%
7.Mandatory Courses (MC)Non-creditNon-credit

Attendance Requirements:

  • A student shall be eligible to appear for the University external examinations if he/she acquires a minimum of 40% attendance in each subject and 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects. Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and below 75%) in each semester may be granted by the College Academic Committee.
  • Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO CASE be condoned.
  • A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance to the University.
  • Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to take their end examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled.
  • A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the attendance requirements of the present semester. They may seek readmission for that semester from the date of commencement of class work.
  • If any candidate fulfils the attendance requirement in the present semester, he shall not be eligible for readmission into the same class.
  • If the learning is carried out in blended mode (both offline & online), then the total attendance of the student shall be calculated considering the offline and online attendance of the student.
  • For induction programme attendance shall be maintained as per AICTE norms.

Promotion Rules:

The following academic requirements must be satisfied in addition to the attendance requirements mentioned in section 16.

  • A student shall be promoted from first year to second year if he/she fulfils the minimum attendance requirement as per university norms.
  • A student will be promoted from II to III year if he/she fulfils the academic requirement of securing 40% of the credits (any decimal fraction should be rounded off to lower digit) up to in the subjects that have been studied up to III semester.
  • A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he/she fulfils the academic requirements of securing 40% of the credits (any decimal fraction should be rounded off to lower digit) in the subjects that have been studied up to V semester. And in case a student is detained for want of credits for a particular academic year by ii) & iii) above, the student may make up the credits through supplementary examinations and only after securing the required credits he/she shall be permitted to join in the V semester or VII semester respectively as the case may be.
  • When a student is detained due to lack of credits/shortage of attendance he/she may be re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfilment of academic regulations. In such case, he/she shall be in the academic regulations into which he/she is readmitted.


As a measure of the student’s performance, a 10-point Absolute Grading System using the following Letter Grades and corresponding percentage of marks shall be followed:

After each course is evaluated for 100 marks, the marks obtained in each course will be converted to a corresponding letter grade as given below, depending on the range in which the marks obtained by the student fall.

Structure of Grading of Academic Performance

Range in which the marks in the subject fall  GradeGrade points
90 & aboveS (Superior)10
80 – 89A (Excellent)9
70 – 79B (Very Good)8
60 – 69C (Good)7
50 – 59D (Average)6
40 – 49E (Pass)5
< 40F (Fail)0
AbsentAb (Absent)0

Award of Class:

After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program and is eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree, he/she shall be placed in one of the following four classes:

Class AwardedCGPA Secured
First Class with Distinction≥ 7.5
First Class≥ 6.5 < 7.5
Second Class≥ 5.5 < 6.5
Pass Class≥ 5.0 < 5.5

CGPA to Percentage conversion Formula – (CGPA – 0.5) x 10


(Effective for the students admitted into II year through Lateral Entry Scheme from the Academic Year 2024-25 onwards)

Award of the Degree

(a) Award of the B.Tech. Degree / B.Tech. Degree with a Minor if he/she fulfils the following:

(i) Pursues a course of study for not less than three academic years and not more than six academic years. However, for the students availing Gap year facility this period shall be extended by two years at the most and these two years would in addition to the maximum period permitted for graduation (Six years).

(ii) Registers for 120 credits and secures all 120 credits.

(b) Award of B.Tech. degree with Honors if he/she fulfils the following:

(i) Student secures additional 15 credits fulfilling all the requisites of a B.Tech. program i.e., 120 credits.

(ii) Registering for Honors is optional.

(iii) Honors is to be completed simultaneously with B.Tech. programme.

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