JNTUK R20 1-2 Computer Organization Material PDF Download

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JNTUK R20 1-2 Computer Organization Material PDF Download

Students those who are studying JNTUK R20 CSE/IT Branches, Can Download Unit wise R20 1-2 Computer Organization Material/Notes PDFs below.


JNTUK R20 1-2 Computer Organization Material PDF Download

Course Objectives: The purpose of the course is to introduce principles of computer organization and the basic architectural concepts. It provides an in depth understanding of basic organization, design, programming of a simple digital computer, computer arithmetic, instruction set design, micro programmed control unit, pipelining and vector processing, memory organization and I/O systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the course the student will be able to

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the design of the functional units of a digital computer system.
  • Relate Postulates of Boolean algebra and minimize combinational functions
  • Recognize and manipulate representations of numbers stored in digital computers
  • Build the logic families and realization of logic gates.
  • Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits
  • Identify, compare and assess issues related to ISA, memory, control and I/O functions.
  • Recall the internal organization of computers, CPU, memory unit and Input/Outputs and the relations between its main components
  • Solve elementary problems by assembly language programming


Conceptual introduction: topics in computer science, algorithms; modern computer Digital Components and Data Representation: Introduction, Numbering Systems, Decimal to Binary Conversion, Binary Coded Decimal Numbers, Weighted Codes, Self-Complementing Codes, Cyclic Codes, Error Detecting Codes, Error Correcting Codes, Hamming Code for Error Correction, Alphanumeric Codes, ASCII Code

Data Representation: Data types, Complements, Fixed Point Representation, Floating Point Representation.

Combinational Circuits: Boolean expressions and their minimization using algebraic identities; Karnaugh map representation and minimization of Boolean functions using Kmap; Two-level realizations using gates — AND-OR, OR-AND, NAND-NAND and NORNOR structures

Download UNIT-1 Material PDF |Reference-2


Digital logic circuits: Combinatorial Circuits: Introduction, Combinatorial Circuit Design Procedure, Integrated NAND-NOR Gates, Multifunction gates, Multi-bit adder, Multiplexers, De-multiplexers, Decoders

Sequential Switching Circuits: Latches and Flip-Flops, Ripple counters using T flipflops; Synchronous counters; Shift Registers; Ring counters

Download UNIT-2 Material PDF | Reference-2


Computer Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction, multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating – point Arithmetic operations. Decimal Arithmetic unit, Decimal Arithmetic operations.

Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction codes, Computer Registers Computer instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input – Output and Interrupt.

Download UNIT-3 Material PDF | Reference-2 | Ref-3


Micro programmed Control: Control memory, Address sequencing, micro program example, design of control unit.

Central Processing Unit: General Register Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control.

8086 microprocessor: pin diagram, instruction set, Introduction to assembly language programming, Assembler, linker, Locator, debugger, emulator concepts. Assembler directives, 8086 programming examples to implement while – do, Repeat – Until, if-thenelse constructs etc, String operations, Array, far and near procedures, macros. Timing and delay loops

Download UNIT-4 Material PDF | Reference-2 | Ref-3


Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary memory, Associate Memory, Cache Memory.

Input-Output Organization: Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous data transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt Direct memory Access.

Download UNIT-5 Material PDF | Reference-2 | Ref-3

Text Books:

  1. Digital Logic and Computer Design, Moriss Mano, 11th Edition, Pearson Education.
  2. Computer System Architecture, 3rd., M.MorrisMano, PHI
  3. Microprocessor and Interfacing –Douglas V. Hall, 3rd edition,TMH

Reference Books:

  1. Digital Logic and Computer Organization, Rajaraman, Radhakrishnan, PHI, 2006
  2. Computer Organization, 5th., Hamacher, Vranesic and Zaky,TMH,2002
  3. Computer Organization & Architecture: Designing for Performance, 7th., William Stallings, PHI, 2006



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