JNTUK R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop Material PDF Download

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JNTUK R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop Material PDF Download

Students those who are studying JNTUK R20 CSE Branch, Can Download Unit wise R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop (CEW) Material/Notes PDFs below.


JNTUK R20 1-1 Computer Engineering Workshop Material PDF Download


  • Explain the internal parts of a computer, peripherals, I/O ports, connecting cables
  • Demonstrate basic command line interface commands on Linux
  • Teach the usage of Internet for productivity and self paced lifelong learning
  • Describe about Compression, Multimedia and Antivirus tools
  • Demonstrate Office Tools such as Word processors, Spreadsheets and Presentation tools

Computer Hardware:

Experiment 1: Identification of peripherals of a PC, Laptop, Server and Smart Phones: Prepare a report containing the block diagram along with the configuration of each component and its functionality, Input/ Output devices, I/O ports and interfaces, main memory, cache memory and secondary storage technologies, digital storage basics, networking components and speeds.

Operating Systems:

Experiment 2: Virtual Machine setup:

  • Setting up and configuring a new Virtual Machine
  • Setting up and configuring an existing Virtual Machine
  • Exporting and packaging an existing Virtual Machine into a portable format

Experiment 2: Operating System installation:

Installing an Operating System such as Linux on Computer hardware.

Experiment 3: Linux Operating System commands:

  • General command syntax o Basic help commands
  • Basic File system commands o Date and Time
  • Basic Filters and Text processing
  • Basic File compression commands
  • Miscellaneous: apt-get, vi editor

Networking and Internet:

Experiment 4: Networking Commands:

ping, ssh, ifconfig, scp, netstat, ipstat, nslookup, traceroute, telnet, host, ftp, arp, wget,route

Experiment 5: Internet Services:

  • Web Browser usage and advanced settings like LAN, proxy, content, privacy, security, cookies, extensions/ plugins
  • Antivirus installation, configuring a firewall, blocking pop-ups
  • Email creation and usage, Creating a Digital Profile on LinkedIn

Productivity Tools:

Experiment 6: Basic HTML tags, Introduction to HTML5 and its tags, Introduction to CSS3 and its properties. Preparation of a simple website/ homepage, Assignment: Develop your home page using HTML Consisting of your photo, name, address and education details as a table and your skill set as a list.

Features to be covered:- Layouts, Inserting text objects, Editing text objects, Inserting Tables, Working with menu objects, Inserting pages, Hyper linking, Renaming, deleting, modifying pages, etc.,

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT fundamentals, applications, protocols, communication models, architecture, IoT devices Office Tools:

Experiment 7: Demonstration and Practice on Text Editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Visual code, etc

Experiment 8: Demonstration and practice on Microsoft Word, Power Point, Microsoft Excel

Experiment 9: Demonstration and practice on LaTeX and produce professional pdf documents.

Download The Complete Material PDF


  1. Computer Fundamentals, Anita Goel, Pearson Education, 2017
  2. PC Hardware Trouble Shooting Made Easy, TMH


  1. Essential Computer and IT Fundamentals for Engineering and Science Students, Dr.N.B.Vekateswarlu, S.Chand


Computer Ports


  • Assemble and disassemble components of a PC
  • Construct a fully functional virtual machine, Summarize various Linux operating system commands,
  • Recognize characters & extract text from scanned images, Create audio files and podcasts



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