JNTUK B.Tech R19 Regulation Academic Regulations PDF Download

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JNTUK R19 Academic Regulations: JNTU Kakinada B.Tech R19 Regulation Academic regulations pdf download For 2019 admitted batch and academic regulations for Lateral Entry Scheme.

JNTUK B.Tech R19 Regulation Academic Regulations PDF Download

JNTUK R19 Academic Regulations


Applicable ror the students of B. Tech. (Regular) from the Academic Year 2019-20 onwards

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) 2019 Regulations (R19 Regulations) applicable to all affiliated colleges are given hereunder. These regulations govern the B. Tech programmes offered by all affiliated colleges with effect from the students admitted to the programmes in academic year 2019-20.

1. Courses of study

The following courses of study are offered at present as specializations for the B. Tech. Courses in the jurisdiction of all affiliated colleges of JNTUK.

S. No.Branch
01Civil Engineering
02Electrical and Electronics Engineering
03Mechanical Engineering
04Electronics and Communication Engineering
05Computer Science Engineering
06Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
07Information Technology
08Automobile Engineering
09Mining Engineering
10Petroleum Technology
11Agiculture Engineering

2. Medium of Instruction:

The medium of instruction of the entire B. Tech undergraduate programme in Engineering & Technology (including examinations and project reports) will be in English only.

3. Admissions:

Admission to the B. Tech Programme shall be made subject to the eligibility, qualifications and specialization prescribed by the A.P. State Government/University from time to time. Admissions shall be made either on the basis of the merit rank obtained by the student in the common entrance examination conducted by the A.P. Government/University or on the basis of any other order of merit approved by the A.P. Government/University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the Government/University from time to time.

Also Check : JNTUK B.Tech R19 Syllabus

4. Programme Pattern:

a) Total duration of the of B. Tech (Regular) Programme is four academic years

b) Each Academic year of study is divided in to two semesters.

c) Minimum number of instruction days in each semester is 90.

d) Grade points, based on percentage of marks awarded for each course will form the basis for calculation of SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).

e) The total credits for the Programme is 160.

f) Induction program is mandatory for all first year UG students and shall be conducted as per AICTE/UGC guidelines.

g) Student is introduced to “Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)”.

h) A student has to register for all courses in a semester.

i) All the registered credits will be considered for the calculation of final CGPA.

j) Each semester has – Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examination (SEE). Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Credit Based Semester System (CBSS) as indicated by UGC and course structure as suggested by AICTE are followed.

5. Subject/Course Classification:

All subjects/courses offered for the undergraduate programme in E & T (B. Tech degree programmes) are broadly classified as follows.

6. Award of B. Tech. Degree:

A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations:

i. A student shall be declared eligible for award of the B. Tech Degree, if he pursues a course of study in not less than four and not more than eight academic years.

ii. After eight academic years from the year of their admission, he/she shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission stands cancelled.

iii. The student shall register for 160 credits and must secure all the 160 credits.

iv. Credit Definition:

  • 1 Hour Lecture (L) per week: 1 Credit
  • 1 Hour Tutorial (T) per week: 1 Credit
  • 1 Hour Practical (P) per week: 0.5 Credit
  • 2 Hours Practical(Lab) per week: 1 Credit

7. Attendance Requirements

(a) A student is eligible to write the University examinations if he acquires a minimum of 50% in each subject and 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects.

(b) Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and below 75%) may be granted by the College Academic Committee. However this condonation concession is applicable only to any two semesters during the entire programme.

(c) Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall not be condoned.

(d) A student who is short of attendance in a semester may seek re-admission into that semester when offered within 4 weeks from the date of commencement of class work.

(e) Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to write their end semester examination of that class.

(f) A stipulated fee of Rs. 500/- shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance.

(g) A student will be promoted to the next semester if he satisfies the (i) attendance requirement of the present semester and (ii) minimum required credits.

(h) If any candidate fulfills the attendance requirement in the present semester, he shall not be eligible for readmission into the same class.

8. Question paper setting- Distribution and Weightage of marks – Evaluation and Assessment:

(i) Paper setting and evaluation of the answer scripts shall be done as per the procedures laid down by the University Examination section from time to time.

(ii) Distribution and Weightage of marks: The assessment of the student‟s performance in each course will be based on Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Semester-End Examination (SEE). The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject–wise with a maximum of 100 marks for theory subject and 50 marks for practical subject. For theory subjects the distribution shall be 25 marks for Internal Evaluation and 75 marks for the End Examinations.

14. Course Pattern

a) The entire course of study is for four academic years; all years are on semester pattern.

b) A student eligible to appear for the end semester examination in a subject, but absent from it or has failed in the end semester examination, may write the exam in that subject when conducted next.

c) When a student is detained for lack of credits / shortage of attendance, he may be re-admitted into the same semester / year in which he has been detained. However, the academic regulations under which he was first admitted shall continue to be applicable to him.

15. Earning of Credit:

A student shall be considered to have completed a course successfully and earned the credits if he/she secures an acceptable letter grade in the range O-D as given below. Letter grade „F‟ in any course implies failure of the student in that course and no credits earned. Absent is also treated as no credits earned.

Marks Range Theory (Max – 100)Marks Range Lab(Max – 75)Letter GradeLevelGrade Point
≥ 90≥ 67OOutstanding10
≥80 to <90≥60 to <67SExcellent9
≥70 to <80≥52 to <60AVery Good8
≥60 to <70≥45 to <52BGood7
≥50 to <60≥37 to <45CFair6
≥40 to <50≥30 to <37DSatisfactory5

Academic Regulations R19 for B. Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme)

Applicable for the students admitted into II year B. Tech. from the Academic Year 2020-21 onwards

Download the Complete R19 Regulation academic regulations PDF Here – Click Here


  1. Good afternoon sir,
    I’m swapna, I want know more about the r19 regulation sir. Because of the r13 and r16 regulations have some facilities provided like if any student has one subject they will pass based on lab grades etc…. but what is the facilities r19 regulation sir. I have one subject sir I written many times but I didn’t pass the subject. I loss my job based on this subject. Please let me know sir, what is the facility like r13 and r16 regulations like. Try to understand sir.
    Thank you

  2. Hi
    Is there any grace marks option for r19 regulations
    Kindly please let me know is there any changes for applying for grace marks

  3. Sir, to get promoted to 4-1, they say that 40% credits are required, but how many credits are required, sir?


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