JNTUK R19 2-2 Linear Control Systems Material/Notes PDF Download
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JNTUK R19 2-2 Linear Control Systems Material/Notes PDF Download
- To introduce the concepts of open loop and closed loop systems, mathematical models of mechanical and electrical systems, and concepts offeedback
- To study the characteristics of the given system in terms of the transfer function and introducing various approaches to reduce the overall system fornecessaryanalysis
- To develop the acquaintance in analyzing the system response in time-domain and frequency domain in terms of variousperformanceindices
- To analyze the system in terms of absolute stability and relative stability by differentapproaches
- To design different control systems for different applications as pergivenspecifications
- To introduce the concepts of state variable analysis, design and also the concepts of controllability andobservability.
INTRODUCTION Concepts of System,Control Systems: Open Loop and closed loop control systems and their differences. Different examples of control systems, Feed-Back Characteristics, Effects of feedback.Mathematical models, Differential equations, Impulse Response andtransfer functions.Translational and Rotational mechanicalsystems
TRANSFER FUNCTION REPRESENTATION Transfer Function of DC Servo motor – AC Servo motor- Synchro-transmitter and Receiver, Block diagram representation of systemsconsidering electrical systems as examples -Block diagram algebra– Representation by Signal flow graph – Reduction using mason’sgain formula.
Standard test signals – Time response of first order systems – CharacteristicEquation of Feedback control systems, Transient response of second ordersystems – Time domain specifications – Steady state response – Steady stateerrors and error constants.
STABILITY ANALYSIS IN S-DOMAIN The concept of stability – Routh’s stability criterion – qualitative stabilityand conditional stability – limitations of Routh’s stability
Root Locus Technique: The root locus concept – construction of root loci-effects of adding polesand zeros to G(s)H(s) on the root loci.
Download UNIT-3 Material PDF | Reference-2
Frequency response analysis: Introduction, Correlation between time and frequency response, Polar Plots, Bode Plots, Nyquist Stability Criterion
Download UNIT-4 Material PDF | Reference-2
CLASSICAL CONTROL DESIGN TECHNIQUES Compensation techniques – Lag, Lead, Lead-Lag Controllers design infrequency Domain, PID Controllers. State Space Analysis of ContinuousSystems Concepts of state, state variables and state model, derivation ofstate models from block diagrams, Diagonalization- Solving the Timeinvariant state Equations- State Transition Matrix and it’s Properties –Concepts of Controllability and Observability.
Download UNIT-5 Material PDF
- Automatic Control Systems 8th edition– by B. C. Kuo–John wiley andson’s, 2003.
- Control Systems Engineering – by I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal,New Age International(P) Limited, Publishers, 2nd edition, 2007
- Modern Control Engineering–by Katsuhiko Ogata – Pearson Publications, 5th edition, 2015
- Control Systems by A.Nagoorkani, RBA publications,3 edition, 2017.
- Control Systems by A.Anandkumar, PHI, 2 Edition, 2014.
- This course introduces the concepts of feedback and its advantages to various controlsystems
- The performance metrics to design the control system in time-domain and frequency domain areintroduced.
- Control systems for various applications can be designed using time-domain and frequency domainanalysis.
- In addition to the conventional approach, the state space approach for the analysis of control systems isalsointroduced.
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