JNTUK R16 4-2 Artificial Neural Networks Material PDF Download

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JNTUK R16 4-2 Artificial Neural Networks Material PDF Download

Students those who are studying JNTUK R16 CSE Branch, Can Download Unit wise R16 4-2 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) Material/Notes PDFs below.


JNTUK R16 4-2 Artificial Neural Networks Material PDF Download


  • Understand the role of neural networks in engineering, artificial intelligence, and cognitive modeling.
  • Provide knowledge of supervised learning in neural networks
  • Provide knowledge of computation and dynamical systems using neural networks
  • Provide knowledge of reinforcement learning using neural networks.
  • Provide knowledge of unsupervised learning using neural networks.
  • Provide hands-on experience in selected applications


Introduction and ANN Structure. Biological neurons and artificial neurons. Model of an ANN. Activation functions used in ANNs. Typical classes of network architectures.

Download UNIT-1 Material PDF


Mathematical Foundations and Learning mechanisms.Re-visiting vector and matrix algebra. State-space concepts. Concepts of optimization. Error-correction learning. Memory-based learning. Hebbian learning. Competitive learning.

Download UNIT-2 Material PDF


Single layer perceptrons. Structure and learning of perceptrons. Pattern classifier – introduction and Bayes’ classifiers. Perceptron as a pattern classifier. Perceptron convergence. Limitations of a perceptrons.

Download UNIT-3 Material PDF


Feed forward ANN. Structures of Multi-layer feed forward networks. Back propagation algorithm. Back propagation – training and convergence. Functional approximation with back propagation. Practical and design issues of back propagation learning.

Download UNIT-4 Material PDF


Radial Basis Function Networks. Pattern separability and interpolation. Regularization Theory. Regularization and RBF networks.RBF network design and training. Approximation properties of RBF.

Download UNIT-5 Material PDF


Support Vector machines. Linear separability and optimal hyperplane.Determination of optimal hyperplane. Optimal hyperplane for nonseparable patterns.Design of an SVM.Examples of SVM.

Download UNIT-6 Material PDF


  1. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: A comprehensive foundation”, Second Edition, Pearson Education Asia.
  2. Satish Kumar, “Neural Networks: A classroom approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.


  1. Robert J. Schalkoff, “Artificial Neural Networks”, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1997.


  • This course has been designed to offer as a graduate-level/ final year undergraduate level elective subject to the students of any branch of engineering/ science, having basic foundations of matrix algebra, calculus and preferably (not essential) with a basic knowledge of optimization.
  • Students and researchers desirous of working on pattern recognition and classification, regression and interpolation from sparse observations; control and optimization are expected to find this course useful. The course covers theories and usage of artificial neural networks (ANN) for problems pertaining to classification (supervised/ unsupervised) and regression.
  • The course starts with some mathematical foundations and the structures of artificial neurons, which mimics biological neurons in a grossly scaled down version. It offers mathematical basis of learning mechanisms through ANN. The course introduces perceptrons, discusses its capabilities and limitations as a pattern classifier and later develops concepts of multilayer perceptrons with back propagation learning.


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