JNTUK R16 4-1 Geotechnical Engineering-2 Material PDF Download
Students those who are studying JNTUK R16 Civil Branch, Can Download Unit wise R16 4-1 Geotechnical Engineering-2 Material/Notes PDFs below.

JNTUK R16 4-1 Geotechnical Engineering-2 Material PDF Download
- To impart to the student knowledge of types of shallow foundations and theories required for the determination of their bearing capacity.
- To enable the student to compute immediate and consolidation settlements of shallow foundations.
- To impart the principles of important field tests such as SPT and Plate bearing test.
- To enable the student to imbibe the concepts of pile foundations and determine their load carrying capacity.
Stability of Slopes: Infinite and finite earth slopes in sand and clay – types of failures – factor of safety of infinite slopes – stability analysis by Swedish arc method, standard method of slices – Taylor’s Stability Number-Stability of slopes of dams and embankments – different conditions.
Earth Retaining Structures: Rankine’s & Coulomb’s theory of earth pressure – Culmann’s graphical method – earth pressures in layered soils.
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Shallow Foundations – Bearing Capacity Criteria: Types of foundations and factors to be considered in their location – Bearing capacity – criteria for determination of bearing capacity – factors influencing bearing capacity – analytical methods to determine bearing capacity – Terzaghi’s theory – IS Methods. Settlement Criteria: Safe bearing pressure based on N- value – allowable bearing pressure; safe bearing capacity and settlement from plate load test – Types of foundation settlements and their determination – allowable settlements of structures.
Pile Foundations: Types of piles – Load carrying capacity of piles based on static pile formulae – Dynamic pile formulae– Pile load tests – Load carrying capacity of pile groups in sands and clays.
Well Foundations: Types – Different shapes of well – Components of well – functions – forces acting on well foundations – Design Criteria – Determination of steining thickness and plug – construction and Sinking of wells – Tilt and shift.
Soil Exploration: Need – Methods of soil exploration – Boring and Sampling methods – Field tests – Penetration Tests – Pressure meter – planning of Programme and preparation of soil investigation report.
- Principles of Foundation Engineering, Das, B.M., (2011), 6th edition Cengage learning
- Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Gopal Ranjan & A.S.R. Rao, New Age International Pvt. Ltd, (2004).
- Foundation Analysis and Design, Bowles, J.E., (1988), 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Newyork.
- Analysis and Design of Substructures by Swami Saran, Sarita Prakashan, Meerut.
- The student must be able to understand the various types of shallow foundations and decide on their location based on soil characteristics.
- The student must be able to compute the magnitude of foundation settlement to decide the size of the foundation.
- The student must be able to use the field test data and arrive at the bearing capacity.
- The student must be able to design Piles based on the principles of bearing capacity.