JNTUK R16 4-1 Big Data Analytics Material PDF Download
Students those who are studying JNTUK R16 CSE Branch, Can Download Unit wise R16 4-1 Big Data Analytics Material/Notes PDFs below.
JNTUK R16 4-1 Big Data Analytics Material PDF Download
Course Objectives: This course is designed to:
- Optimize business decisions and create competitive advantage with Big Data analytics
- Introducing Java concepts required for developing map reduce programs
- Derive business benefit from unstructured data
- Imparting the architectural concepts of Hadoop and introducing map reduce paradigm
- To introduce programming tools PIG & HIVE in Hadoop echo system.
Data structures in Java: Linked List, Stacks, Queues, Sets, Maps; Generics: Generic classes and Type parameters, Implementing Generic Types, Generic Methods, Wrapper Classes, Concept of Serialization
Download UNIT-1 Material PDF | Reference-2 | Reference-3
Working with Big Data: Google File System, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) – Building blocks of Hadoop (Namenode, Datanode, Secondary Namenode, JobTracker, TaskTracker), Introducing and Configuring Hadoop cluster (Local, Pseudo-distributed mode, Fully Distributed mode), Configuring XML files.
Download UNIT-2 Material PDF | Reference-2
Writing MapReduce Programs: A Weather Dataset, Understanding Hadoop API for MapReduce Framework (Old and New), Basic programs of Hadoop MapReduce: Driver code, Mapper code, Reducer code, RecordReader, Combiner, Partitioner
Download UNIT-3 Material PDF | Reference-2
Hadoop I/O: The Writable Interface, WritableComparable and comparators, Writable Classes: Writable wrappers for Java primitives, Text, BytesWritable, NullWritable, ObjectWritable and GenericWritable, Writable collections, Implementing a Custom Writable: Implementing a RawComparator for speed, Custom comparators
Download UNIT-4 Material PDF | Reference-2
Pig: Hadoop Programming Made Easier Admiring the Pig Architecture, Going with the Pig Latin Application Flow, Working through the ABCs of Pig Latin, Evaluating Local and Distributed Modes of Running Pig Scripts, Checking out the Pig Script Interfaces, Scripting with Pig Latin
Download UNIT-5 Material PDF | Reference-2
Applying Structure to Hadoop Data with Hive: Saying Hello to Hive, Seeing How the Hive is Put Together, Getting Started with Apache Hive, Examining the Hive Clients, Working with Hive Data Types, Creating and Managing Databases and Tables, Seeing How the Hive Data Manipulation Language Works, Querying and Analyzing Data
Download UNIT-6 Material PDF | Reference-2
- Hadoop: http://hadoop.apache.org/
- Hive: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Home
- Piglatin: http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.7.0/tutorial.html
Text Books:
1. Big Java 4th Edition, Cay Horstmann, Wiley John Wiley & Sons, INC
2. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White, 3rd Edition, O’reilly
3. Hadoop in Action by Chuck Lam, MANNING Publ.
4. Hadoop for Dummies by Dirk deRoos, Paul C.Zikopoulos, Roman B.Melnyk,Bruce Brown, Rafael Coss
Reference Books:
1. Hadoop in Practice by Alex Holmes, MANNING Publ.
2. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook, SrinathPerera, ThilinaGunarathne
Course Outcomes:
- Preparing for data summarization, query, and analysis.
- Applying data modeling techniques to large data sets
- Creating applications for Big Data analytics
- Building a complete business data analytic solution
Sir please postpone 3-1 mid exam