JNTUK PC CMM Apply Online (Tatkal PC): JNTU Kakinada Provisional Certificate/Consolidated marks memo apply online at jntuksdc.co.in. JNTUK PC application form and PC/CMM status check below.
JNTUK PC CMM Apply Online (Tatkal PC) – Application Form, Status @ jntuksdc.co.in
Please Carefully read the instructions Step by Step and then Apply Provisional Certificate
Step-1:- This application is meant for The candidates who are passed outs from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada applying Provisional certificates.
Step-2:- The students have to pay the amount Rs. 200/- (Normal PC), Rs 3000 (Tatkal PC).
Step-3:- The amount can be paid either by making online Payment (using Master/Visa Credit/Debit (ATM) cards) or by making the payments at any branch of SBI using the on-line Challan generated by this Online PC Application.
JNTUK PC/CMM Apply Online – Tatkal PC
1. To Apply for PC/CMM Click Here
2. Click Check Box to proceed for payment, then click Proceed button.
3. Select Payment Category: Normal Provisional Ceritificate (RS 200/-), Tatkal PC (Rs 3000/-)
Tatkal PC: After the Payment of Fee, Submit softcopy of PC application, SSC, Marks memos along with fee receipt to respective College.The Colleges will submit the applications to JNTUK Examination Branch through Online Portal.The PC will be posted to the above Address.
Normal PC: After Fee payment of Rs 200/- take the print out of payment details and submit along with PC/CMM application form and other attachments (copies of SSC, all marks memos, undertaking form) to the University Examination Section duly attested by the principal.
JNTUK PC Application Form
Check Status of Application : http://jntuksdc.co.in/status
I need the signature of the controller of University on the non issue of degree certificate form to write stage II exam of icg Indian coast guard what should I do to get it
Hello sir I am a student from 2024 passed out and I applied for normal pc on July 30 2024 , how many days does it take to give pc
Sir please extend the time for applying CMM and PC JNTUK r-19 regulation time
Because 2-1 and 2-2 results not released.
Hello I am 2024 pass-out I want ot apply for tatkal PC , it’s been 13 days of RESULT but still don’t have option for 2024 pass-out batch
I have collected all the certificates from the college. However, I have missed my original CMM, and I’m looking for assistance to apply for a new one. Please guide me through the process.
Can I apply through the instructions given on this site by making the payment? Is it Duplicate CMM or is there another way to apply?
Hi Usha, same situation here and my collage misplaced either CMM certificate or they haven’t received yet.
Could you please provide the process to get CMM certificate?
please tell me dates for pc applications for 2023 pass out students in advance supply mentary examinations
what dates of normal pc apply for r 19 advance supplymantery pass out students
Will there be any special exam notification for 2014 admitted b.tech r13 batches
Need to put online Addmisstion
I'm trying to forgot password to take PG OD,
I'm not getting forgot password, Please take necessary action immediately.
JNTUK VIII Convocation Notification
VIII-CONVOCATION – The Candidates who are qualified for award of Degree (UG/PG/PhD) during academic years 2018-19 and 2019-20 and those who have taken PC between 01-01-2019 and 31-12-2020 are hereby informed to apply through ONLINE on or before 18.12.2021.
The last date to apply for Original Degree under VIII th Convocation is extended up to 18-12-2021.
* Note1:-Fee once paid against a candidate cannot be exchanged, cancelled or refunde
Today last date of apply to OD.
please mention last date of notification.
Is it available offline process to take pc,cmm , OD, at jntuk University directly
( in so many colleges students are struggling with tair college staff)
I'm also getting same issue, I agree with your comment.
I'm looking for my OD.
Jntuk provied two number's both are not working.
0884 230 0903 & 0884 230 0940
Please provide off-line process.
Can I go to jntuk and take my PC and cmm by paying it offline to exam shell office.
Sir normal pc last date notification please sir