JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 Sem (R20) Regular Question Papers July 2023, jntu kakinada 3-2 Sem R20 Regulation question papers 2023 download.
JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 Sem (R20) Regular Question Papers July 2023
JNTU Kakinada III B.Tech II Sem R20 Regulation Regular Examination Question Papers July 2023 are updated. Students can download 3-2 sem all branches like Civil, cse, ece, eee, mechanical, AE etc. Remaining Branches Subjects will be update soon. Any subject link was not working, feel free to write comment below.
JNTUK 3-2 Sem (R20) Question Papers 2023
1. Answer any FIVE Questions ONE Question from Each unit
2. All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Design And Drawing of Steel Structures (R2032011)
Water Resource Engineering (R2032012)
Geotechnical Engineering-II (R2032013)
Professional Elective (PE- II)
Advanced Structural Analysis R203201A
Architecture and Town Planning R203201B
Road Safety Engineering R203201C
Traffic Engineering R203201D
Open Elective (OE II)
Elements of Civil Engineering R203201E
Environmental Engineering R203201F
Disaster Management R203201G
Water Resource Engineering R203201H
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery R203201I
Green Technologies R203201J
Remote Sensing and GIS R203201K (Common to CE,MM)
Urban Planning R203101K
Machine Learning (R2032051) (Common to CSE,IT)
Compiler Design (R2032052)
Cryptography and Network Security (R2032053) (Common to CSE,IT)
Computational Thinking R203205N
Operating Systems R203205Q
Database Management Systems R203205R
Mining Massive Data Sets R203205O
Natural Language Processing R203205P
Professional Elective (PE)
Mobile Computing R203205A (Common to CSE,IT)
Big Data Analytics R203205B
Object Oriented Analysis and Design R203205C
Network Programming R203205D (Comm to CSE,CSE(AIML),CSE(AI),AIML,CSD)
Open Elective (OE II)
MEAN Stack Development R203205E (Common to CSE,CSE(AIML),CSE(AI),CSE(DS),CSE(AIDS),AIDS,,AIML,CSD)
Python Programming R203205F (Common to CSE,IT)
Web Technologies R203205G (Common to CSE,IT)
Soft Computing R203205H
Distributed Computing R203205I (Common to CSE,IT)
AI and ML for Robotics R203205J (Common to CSE,IT)
Computer Networks R203205K (Common to CSE,IT)
Big Data Analytics R203205L (Common to CSE,IT)
Computational Tools R203205M (Common to CSE,IT)
CSE (Sub)
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers (R2032041)
VLSI Design (R2032042)
Digital Signal Processing (R2032043)
Principles of Communication R203204U
IOT Architecture and It’s Protocals R203249C
Professional Elective (PE)
Microwave Engineering R203204A
Mobile & Cellular Communication R203204B
Embedded Systems R203204C
CMOS Analog IC Design R203204D
Open Elective (OE II)
Basics of Signals and Systems R203204E
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation R203204F
Principles of Signal Processing R203204G
Industrial Electronics R203204H
Consumer Electronics R203204I
Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers R203204J
Transducers and Sensors R203204K
IOT and Applications R203204L
Soft Computing Techniques R203204M
IC Applications R203204N
Principles of Communications R203204O
Basic Electronics R203204P
Data Communications R203204Q
Digital Logic Design R203204R
Remote Sensing and GIS R203204S
Bio Medical Instrumentation R203204T
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (R2032021)
Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation (R2032022)
Power System Analysis (R2032023)
HVDC Transmission R203202I
Professional Elective (PE)
Signal and Systems R203202A
Electric Drives R203202B
Advanced Control Systems R203202C
Switchgear and Protection R203202D
Big Data Analytics R203202E
Open Elective (OE II)
Battery Management Systems and Charging Stations R203202F
Fundamentals of utilization of Electrical Energy R203202G
Indian Electricity Act R203202H
Heat Transfer (R2032031)
Design of Machine Members-II (R2031032)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (R2032033)
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics R203203K
Professional Elective (PE)
Automobile Engineering R203203A
Smart Manufacturing R203203B
Advanced Mechanics of Solids R203203C
Statistical Quality Control R203203D
Industrial Hydraulics and Pneumatics R203203E
Open Elective (OE II)
Industrial Robotics R203203G
Essentials of Mechanical Engineering R203203H
Advanced Materials R203203I
Introduction to Automobile Engineering R203203J
please share previous year question paper for software teating methodologiea snd mean stack technologies
Basic Electronics R203204P previous question paper
Statistical Quality Control R203203D where it is?
Sir / madam I need Signal and system R203202A previous question papers
Please upload the previous question papers of MEAN Stack Development R203205E
Please upload the previous question papers of MEAN Stack Development R203205E
Network programming and Data comunication and Networking
Mean stack development previous question papers and PDFs r 20 regulation
I need a python programming R203205F previous question paper
I need a mean stack development papers and the link was not working
Madam/sir I want distributed system question paper….sub code:R203105C