JNTUH Revised Dates of B.Tech/B.Phar 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 Supply & PG Exams Oct 2020

Subject: Revised dates of various activities related to B.Tech, B.Pharm, M.Tech, M.Pharm, MBA, MCA, Pharm.D, Pharm.D(PB) Oct-2020 Exams.
All the Principals are informed to note the revised schedules for various activities of B.Tech I-I (R18, R16), B.Pharm I-I (R17, R16), B.Tech / B.Pharm I year (R09,R13 and R15), B.Tech / B.Pharm II-I, III-I & IV-I supply, M.Tech/M.Pharm I-II Regular/supply & I-I supply and Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Regular and Supplementary and MBA I-II Regular/supply, I-I, II-I Supply, MCA I-II, II-II Regular/Supply, I-I,II-I and III-I supply Examinations as shown in Table-1 hereunder. These examinations (spell-2 examinations) are scheduled to commence from 12-10-2020 (Monday).

Why late fee sir and only given 29 09 2020 released notification about fee and 1 day only given for 2000 late fee issue late 29 09 2020 to 30 10 2020.
What your doing sir education or broker ha
Who we pay fee that match of amount sir give as time to pay exam fee
sir why we have to pay late fee for r09 1-1 in march 16 – 2020 it will started fee issue for 1st year of r09
after that started lockdown march – 16- 2020
R13 regulation supplies dates?