JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Syllabus Books Download – All Branches

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JNTUH 4-2 Syllabus R16: JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 sem R16 syllabus Books download. Jntu hyderabad 4-2 r16 regulation syllabus book download for civil, cse, ece, eee, mech, it, auto mobile etc.

JNTUH 4-1 Syllabus R16

JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Syllabus Books Download – All Branches

JNTU hyderabad Newly Introduced the Syllabus of R16 Regulations. Previously we have the Syllabus for R15, R13, R09 Regulations. Its Time For Syllabus, So About beginning All Students Are Waiting For JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 R16 regulation Syllabus Books & Academic Calendars.

JNTUH Released B.Tech 4-2 sem R16 Regulation Syllabus Books Available Here. We will upload the full Clarity Syllabus Books For 4-2 semester R16 regulation All Branches ECE, CSE, EEE, CIVIL, MECH, IT, Automobile, pce,…etc.

Also Check: JNTUH B.Tech 4-1 Sem (R16) Syllabus Books

All the students who are waiting to know the pattern of new syllabus here is an update that JNTUH has released the new syllabus for the B.Tech for all the branches of 1st year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year, and 4th Year students. The JNTUH B.Tech Syllabus books are free to download. The books will be in PDF format. So that users can easily go through various concepts of JNTUH Syllabus books.

JNTUH 4-2 Syllabus PDF Download From links given below: (All Branches of Engineering Links are Updated)

Aeronautical EngineeringClick Here
Automobile EngineeringClick Here
Bio-Medical EngineeringClick Here
Civil EngineeringClick Here
Civil and Environmental EngineeringClick Here
Computer Science and EngineeringClick Here
Electrical and Electronics EngineeringClick Here
Electronics and Communication EngineeringClick Here
Electronics and Computer EngineeringClick Here
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (with Industrial Instrumentation Modified)Click Here
Electronics and Telematics EngineeringClick Here
Information TechnologyClick Here
Metallurgical & Materials EngineeringClick Here
Mechanical EngineeringClick Here
Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)Click Here
Mechanical Engineering (Material Science and Nano Technology)Click Here
Mining EngineeringClick Here
Petroleum EngineeringClick Here
Open ElectivesClick Here


  1. Is maths (m4) a open elective subject,, can we leave maths(m4) for 4 credits.., is it an optional subject


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