JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R22) Syllabus PDF Download For All Branches

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JNTUH 3-1 Syllabus R22: JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R22) Syllabus PDF For All Branches, Jntu hyderabad Download 3-1 sem syllabus books for R22 ECE, EEE, Civil, CSE, Mechanical, IT, AE etc.

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R22) Syllabus PDF Download For All Branches

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R22) Syllabus PDF For All Branches

JNTU Hyderabad has announced B.Tech 3rd Year 1st Sem (R22) Syllabus For All Branches. Students can download their B.Tech 3-1 Sem R22 Syllabus of ECE, EIE, EEE, CSE,  IT,  Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, Mining & Petroleum Engg.

JNTU Hyderabad B.Tech 3-1 Syllabus Books:

Name of the UniversityJNTU Hyderabad
CategorieJNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Syllabus R22
Official websitejntuh.ac.in

Students who are having Interested to know about their Academic Syllabus can download their JNTUH Syllabus Books PDF so that, they can get the overview of their Examination Syllabus to be covered for each semester. Here we are providing the clear information about each subject and their sub units along with the topics should be covered in that unit. For various branches separately almost 18 branches under who are studying JNTUH.

All the students who are waiting to know the pattern of new syllabus here is an update that JNTUH has released the new syllabus for the B.Tech for all the branches of 1st year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year, and 4th Year students. The JNTUH B.Tech Syllabus books are free to download. The books will be in PDF format. So that users can easily go through various concepts of JNTUH Syllabus books.

Download JNTUH 3-1 Syllabus R22 PDF

Aeronautical EngineeringClick Here
Aeronautical EngineeringClick Here
Automobile EngineeringClick Here
Bio-Medical EngineeringClick Here
Civil EngineeringClick Here
Civil and Environmental EngineeringClick Here
Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS)Click Here
Computer Science and Information Technology – CSITClick Here
Computer Science and Engineering
CSE (Cyber Security) Syllabus
CSE (AI & ML) Syllabus
CSE (Data Science) Syllabus
CSE (IoT) Syllabus
CSE (Networks) Syllabus
CSE (Software Engineering) Syllabus
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)Click Here
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)Click Here
Electronics and Computer EngineeringClick Here
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE)Click Here
Electronics and Telematics EngineeringClick Here
Information Technology (IT)Click Here
ITE (Information Technology & Engineering)Click Here
Metallurgical & Materials EngineeringClick Here
Mechanical EngineeringClick Here
Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)Click Here
Mechanical Engineering (Nano Technology)Click Here
Mining EngineeringClick Here
Petroleum EngineeringClick Here
Textile EngineeringClick Here

Note : R22 = For the students admitted into I Year in 2022, 2023 & For the students admitted into II Year through Lateral Entry Scheme in 2023, 2024

Here is the new Syllabus Book for all the branches of the students of JNTUH. Hence the students are requested to go through the syllabus book and prepare plans for the semester. With the help of this Syllabus Book, Student can get an appropriate idea how the semester syllabus is going to be and can get the basic knowledge of the subjects. The study of B.Tech is completely different form Intermediate. In B.Tech, students mainly need the concept in a particular topic and can easily write the Semester exams excellently with that concept in a particular topic.


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