JNTUH 1-1, 1-2 Academic Calendar 2024-25: JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25, Jntu hyderabad I year I, II Sem Academic Calendar 2024-25 download.
JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25

JNTU Hyderabad has announced Academic Calendar (2024-25) for B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Semesters. Students can check Academic Calender of B.Tech I YEAR I and II Semesters 2024-25.
B.Tech 1-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2024-25
S.No | Description | Form | To | Duration |
1 | Induction Programme | 19.08.2024 | 24.08.2024 | |
2 | 1st Spell of Instructions (Including induction Recess) | 27.08.2024 | 30.10.2024 | 10 Weeks |
3 | Dussehra Recess | 07.10.2024 | 11.10.2024 | 1 Week |
4 | First Mid Term Examinations | 01.11.2024 | 07.11.2024 | 1 Week |
5 | Submission of First Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before | 13.11.2024 | - | – |
6 | 2nd Spell of Instructions | 08.11.2024 | 04.01.2025 | 8 Weeks |
7 | Second Mid Term Examinations | 06.01.2025 | 10.01.2025 | 1 Week |
8 | Preparation Holidays and Practical Examinations | 13.01.2025 | 21.01.2025 | 1 Week |
9 | Submission of Second Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before | 17.01.2025 | - | – |
10 | End Semester Examinations | 22.01.2025 | 04.02.2025 | 2 Weeks |
B.Tech 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2024-25
S.No | Description | Form | To | Duration |
1 | Commencement of II Semester classwork | 06.02.2025 | - | – |
2 | 1st Spell of Instructions | 06.02.2025 | 04.04.2025 | 8 Weeks |
3 | First Mid Term Examinations | 07.04.2025 | 11.04.2025 | 1 Week |
4 | Submission of First Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before | 17.04.2025 | - | – |
5 | 2nd Spell of Instructions | 15.04.2025 | 24.06.2025 | 10 Weeks |
6 | Summer Vacation | 12.05.2025 | 24.05.2025 | 2 Weeks |
7 | Second Mid Term Examinations | 25.06.2025 | 01.07.2025 | 1 Week |
8 | Preparation Holidays and Practical Examinations | 02.07.2025 | 08.07.2025 | 1 Week |
9 | Submission of Second Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before | 04.07.2025 | - | – |
10 | End Semester Examinations | 09.07.2025 | 23.07.2025 | 2 Weeks |
Note :
- For B.Tech 1-1 Semester No.of Working Days = 90
- For B.Tech 1-2 Semester No.of Working Days = 90
JNTUH B.Tech I YEAR I & II SEMESTERS Academic Calendar for 2024-25
1-2 r18 grace marks
A very helpful page. Thanks a lot!
A very helpful page. Thanks a lot!
CMR Institute of Technology is one of the Top engineering Colleges in Hyderabad.
R13 first year exams got postponed are what?
When conduct the r16 supply exam notification
R16 1-2 supply
when 2-2 result's Will be released
When 4-2 results will be released???
offline classes shecdule
when will bee 1-1 xams
Online classes or offline give me reply
It will be much better if jntuh put summer break in the whole month of may as may is terribly hot in Hyderabad