JNTUA B.Tech R20 Academic Regulations PDF Download (Regular & Lateral Entry)
Academic Regulations (R20) for B. Tech (Regular-Full time)
NOTE: Guidelines for conducting I Year B.Tech Course Work as per R20 Academic Regulations (Applicable for Non-Autonomous Constituent & Affiliated Colleges)
1. Programs offered by the University: The following programs are offered at present as specializations for the B. Tech. Course for non-autonomous, constituent& affiliated colleges
2. Programme Pattern:
a) Total duration of the of B. Tech (Regular) Programme is four academic years
b) Each Academic year of study is divided into Two Semesters.
c) The total credits for the Programme is 160.
d) The minimum instruction days including exams for each semester shall be 90 days.
e) The medium of instruction for the entire under graduate programme will be in English only
f) Three week induction program is mandatory for all first year UG students and shall be conducted as per AICTE/UGC/APSCHE guidelines.
g) Preferably 50% course work for the Theory courses in every semester shall be conducted in the blended mode of learning. If the blended learning is carried out in online mode, then the total attendance of the student shall be calculated considering the offline and online attendance of the student.
3. About Program related terms:
a) Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (Lecture/Tutorial) or two hours of practical work/field work per week.
b) Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute one academic year.
Each course is assigned certain number of credits based on following criterion:
JNTUA Academic Regulations (R20) for B. Tech – Final (27-07-2022)
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