JNTUA B.Pharmacy R19 Syllabus & Course Structure (New Regulation)

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JNTUA B.Pharmacy R19 Syllabus & Course Structure (New Regulation)


These regulations shall be called as “The Revised Regulations for the B. pharm. Degree Program (CBCS)of the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi”. •lhey shall come into effect from the Academic Year 2016-17. The regulations framed are subject to modifications from time to time by Pharmacy Council of India.

2. Minimum qualification for admission

First year B. Pharmacy:

Candidate shall have passed 10+2 examination conducted by the respective stateleentral government authorities recognized as equivalent to 10+2 examination by
the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) with English as one or the subjects and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (P.C.M) and or Biology (P.C.B / P.C.M.B.) as optional subjects individually, Any other qualification approved by the Pharmacy Council or India as equivalent to any of the abovcexaminations.

2.2. B.Pharm lateral entry (to third semester):

A pass in D. Pharm. course from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of  India under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act.

3. Duration or the program

The course of study for B.Pharm shall extend over a period Of eight semesters (four academic years) and six semesters (three academic years) for lateral entry students.
curricula and syllabi for the program shall be prescribed fmm time to time by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi.

4. Medium of instruction and examinations

Medium of instruction and examination shall be in English.

5. Working days in each semester

Each semestershall consist of not less than 100 working days. The odd semesters shall be
conducted from the month Of June,’July to November/l)ecember and the even semesters
shall be conducted from December/.lanuary to May/ June in every calendar year.

6. Attendance and progress

A candidate is required to put in at least 800/0 attendance in aggregate Of all courses
considering theory and practical separately. The candidate shall complete the prescribed
Course satisfactorily to be eligible to appear for the respective examinations.

7. Program/Coursc credit structure

As per the philosophy of Credit Based Semester System, certain quantum Of academic work viz theory classes. tutorial hours, practical classes, etc. are measured in terms of credits. On satistactory completion of the courses, a candidate earns credits. The amount or credit associated with a course is dependent upon the number of hours of instruction per week in that course. Similarly. the credit associated with any or the other academic, co/extra-curricular activities is dependent upon the quantum of work expected to bc put in for each 0f these activities per week.

7.1 Credit assignment

7.1.1 Theory and Laboratory courses

Courses are broadly classified as ‘lfreory and Practical. Theory courses consist of lecture (L) and /or tutorial (T) hours. and Practical (P) courses consist of hours spent in the laboratory. Credits (C) for a course is dependent on the number 01’ hours of instruction per week in that course. and is obtained by using a multiplier of one (1) for lecture and tutorial hours, and a multiplier of half (1/2) for practical (laboratory) hours. Thus, for example, a theory course having three lectures and one tutorial week throughout the semester carries a credit of 4. Similarly, a practical having four laboratory hours per week throughout semester carries a credit of 2.

7.2 Minimum credit requirements

The minimum credit points required for award of a B. Pharm. degree is 208. These credits are divided into Theory courses, Tutorials, Practical, Practice School and Project over the duration of eight scmcstcrs. The credits are distributed semester-Wisc as shown in Table IX. Courses generally progress in sequences, building competencies and their positioning indicates certain academic maturity on the part or the leamers. Learners are expected to follow the semester-wise schedule of courses given in the syllabus.

lateral entry students shall get 52 credit points transferred from their D. Pharm program. Such students shall take up additional remedial courses of ‘Communication Skills’ (Theory and Practical) and ‘Computer Applications in Pharmacy” (Theory and Practical) equivalent to 3 and 4 credit points respectively, a total of 7 credit points to attain 59 credit points, the maximum of I and II Semesters.

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